Guest Book - Clayoquot Wilderness Resorts

Guest Book

8th Stay Best Ever!

Thank you Adele and John for making our 8th stay the best and we will see you all next year!

meghan macdonald

Never a better vacation!

The blend of raw, unfiltered adventure and complete relaxation was remarkable- and amidst such amazing beauty, no less! It's been a year and the memories of our time at Clayoquot are still vivid. Adele and John were such perfect hosts, and with Tim in the Kitchen and Paul at our table, we were welcomed so warmly. With so many "firsts" under our belts (kayaks, sea planes, old-growth forests, day-long riding expeditions, Zodiaks) we now embrace adventure vacations. What a transformation and all thanks to Clayoquot!!

Nancy Keane and Larry Finger

The best vacation we have ever had!

Kayaking The River

The Catch Of Day

We just returned from a one week stay at Clayoquot and it was the most amazing vacation we have ever had! We stayed in a suite tent with our 12 year old son and cannot begin to describe how much fun we had and how incredible the staff was. The magical adventures began from the moment we were greeted at the float plane by the managers, Adele and John and other staff members in a draft horse drawn wagon. The food, chefs and service staff in the dining lodge were the best you will find in the world and they went out of there way to make sure everything was done to perfection. We caught 17 salmon and halibut, rode beautifully trained horses to a gold mine, saw whales, otters, dolphin, eagles, and black bears, went kayaking, mountain biking, hiked to a waterfall, and went swimming in a bay where the fresh water and salt water met. Our son loved jumping off of a couple of bridges on the property which was a big hit with the kids and adults as well! Make sure to stay at least week though because you cannot possibly absorb all that the resort has to offer. The staff and guests at Clayquot became our life-long friends and we cannot wait to go back!

Melinda Wainwright


My wife and I stayed at the outpost for our one year and I was blown away with the luxury wilderness combination. There is nothing like this in the world. Thank you so much!

Kyle McClay

Back To Basics

Little ones all in a row

Thanks so much for providing a fun and educational environment for our children. When you live in a big city, it is so easy to loose sight of what really makes the world go 'round. But watching enormous whales feed, seeing a newborn foal stand for the first time, and fishing for an eagles' dinner put the web of life in perspective for my children. Thanks again

Walter, Vancouver

Thank you all for an unforgettable experience!

Glenn and I have decided to go home and learn some useful skills so that we can come back and live/work here. Failing that, we’d like to be reincarnated as one (two) of the guide dogs. He brought me here as a surprise. In truth, there was no way to adequately describe this place, this experience, these wonderful people, the wildlife. Thank you all for an unforgettable experience.

Talerico, Pittsburgh PA

Thanks for another wonderful year here at the Outpost! It is truly the most amazing place I have ever been.

Mandy and Jim Black, Florida

All of use had the greatest time.

None of wish to leave this place of firsts --- first riding, first family kayaking, first killer whales, first fishing, first tears of leaving a holiday. All of use had the greatest time. Thanks to every one of you – you are a fantastic team and have made out stay so so good. We will miss you and hope to see you again.

Sarah Fane

There would not have been a better place than Clayoquot to celebrate.

There would not have been a better place than Clayoquot to celebrate Glenn’s 50th birthday. We friends gathered from afar to share in this most joyous occasion and were cosseted in the rugged luxury of this special place. Each and every member of the staff were gracious, hospitable and receptive to meeting every need. To all of those involved with making this our weekend “one for the history books’, I thank you very much for allowing me the privilege of experiencing this special place with you.

Nat Queen, New York & London

The staff have made this the best vacation I have ever had.

I picked up a pen five minutes ago and find myself at a loss for words. Words alone cannot describe the experience here at the Outpost. The staff have made this the best vacation I have ever had. So knowledgeable, so warm and friendly and happy to help make your stay totally perfect. Oh … and the food …….spectacular! Beware of Paul’s ‘Paultinis’ though!! I don’t know if it is a promise or a threat, but I will be back for a visit soon. It is so hard to leave this experience I will never forget. Thanks everyone.

Genevieve Kozma

This has certainly been an experience of a lifetime!

We just wanted to say thank you for the wonderful honeymoon. We’ve had the opportunity to do and see so many wonderful things. Thank you to the guides, John, Jer, Flint, Kimano, Todd and Dickson. Thank you also to the kitchen staff – Tim, Ryan, Adriel, Paul, Yarrow, and Judy for the amazing, amazing food. This has certainly been an experience of a lifetime! With best wishes to you all.

Christina and Matt White, England

What a magnificent experience!

What a magnificent experience! From the horseback ride to the horse-drawn carriage … oh and the kayak ride from hell!! Exhilarating .. absolutely priceless experiences from beginning to end. Thank you for such memories. We will for sure pass on this slice of heaven.

Katrina Rauch, Dallas

We will be back yet again and again.

We wondered if a second trip could possibly match the memories of the first! And indeed, it surpassed them. Both the vision and execution are brilliant – the staff and the guests wonderful company. We will be back yet again and again.

Debra and Frank Marrone

What an incredible experience it has been.

What an incredible experience it has been and you all make it that by your great attitudes, kindness and helpfulness. It ahs been such a blessing from God to be able to marvel and enjoy His creation (His gift to us) and to be pampered in such amazing ways. Thanks for all the fun excursions and lasting memories for my family and myself. May God bless you abundantly and may He find a home in your heart. My own home is open to you.

Barbara Hehir, California

This was our 4th visit and each visit proves to be an absolutely incredible.

This was our 4th visit and each visit proves to be an absolutely incredible, unbelievable, one of a kind vacation, exceeding expectations set by the previous visit. We will be seeing you again next year for sure. You have something special here and thank you for everything. Cheers

The MacDonald family, Vancouver BC

There is truly no better place in the entire world!

There is truly no better place in the entire world! We totally loved it and don’t worry (or worry), we’ll be back!

Claire, Eechler, Peter, Clinton, Audrey and Spencer

Dream time is over and back to the States

Dream time is over and back to the States. As I spend my last night here at the Outpost I know that the most important thanks to be shared go to the staff. Megan, Morgan, Becca, Chamile, Josh, Chuck, Tim, Lexy, Graham, Brenda, Dana, Vanessa, and Matt – you are all amazing and truly make the place special. Thank you so much for the 14-course meals, the chilled wine, the bear spotting, the dogs, the children, and the complete hospitality. You will be remembered always. See you next year! P.S. We absolutely love John but Adele is the anchor.

Creative Design Consultants. Anna, Julie, Bob, Christie, Sarah

I had a great time today hiking.

I had a great time today hiking. I saw a starfish today and lots and lots of muscles. All the staff at the camp are very nice and I’d like to come again some time. We saw a humpback whale and a Stella Sealion and had lots and lots and lots and lots of ffuuuuuuuunnn.

Sophie Ishag, London

Here's to another day divine day in paradise!

Here's to another day divine day in paradise! What a perfect vacation this has been for us. Beautiful Clayoquot tented camp in the rainforest, incredibly exceptional staff and service and management, and interesting activities. We’ve thoroughly enjoyed our stay, therapeutic for us and look forward with anticipation to a return in the spring. Hats off to Tim – best cuisine in the world!! Love to all!


This vacation has been all I'd hoped for and much much more.

This vacation has been all I’d hoped for and much much more. All the staff have been unfailingly kind and helpful. Special thanks to Tim (Chef) and Keela. When I arrived I felt like I was dying. While I have been here, thanks to you all, I have been living all of every day. May the good will you share return to you. Love Grace


One of the greatest times of my summer.

One of the greatest times of my summer. Thanks a lot. When I am big enough I would love to work here.

David Sannders

A place of such beauty

A place of such beauty, wilderness camp has and will always be one of our fondest memories. Everyone here has been so cheerfully happy about making sure “every want” was completely satisfied. The food is to die for! My favourite was the wonderful horse rides into the bush – a dream come true for me. Thank you all for the most wonderful of times.

Gary & Jana

There is a touch of magic here that we will carry home with us

There once was an expedition team in Africa crossing the Serengeti. After 10 days of travelling, the porters refused to move. The expedition leaders protested and the porters replied, “No, it is time for our souls to catch up with our bodies.” Thank you for allowing us this restful stop where our souls can finally catch up with the busy pace of life we lead on the mainland, and our bodies and minds can rest. There is a touch of magic here that we will carry home with us, and when those busy days weary us again, we will fondly remember the charm of the Outpost, the outstanding staff, and the memories that will keep us returning to Clayoquot.

Natalie Orfalea - Santa Barbara, California

Special thanks to Paul – a consummate host

Special thanks to Paul – a consummate host with thoughtful services and a warm wit! All the folks working here are very caring and welcoming – a great asset! The food prepared by Timothy and Ryan was fantastic.


Thank you

Thank you for all of your attention and generous sharing of this blessed paradise. The people, the food, dogs, style and surroundings are truly a combination for lifetime memories to be treasured. With warmest regards,

Lisa Fox

Unbelievable! Thank you to John, Adele

Unbelievable! Thank you to John, Adele, and especially Rick for making our 3 day trip the most incredible time. The entire experience is something we will cherish forever … Our children will never forget the many things they have seen and done here. The food and service was amazing to say the least! Thanks for the memories...

Frank, Mary, Cole. Chloe and Chad Anderson

We booked for five days and stayed for seven

We booked for five days and stayed for seven. We have travelled the world and nothing compares to this wilderness experience. We came to celebrate a 25th anniversary but we rediscovered the true joys of life. We will forever remember our ride with John, our dinner with Adele and John, and Tim the world-class Chef. Every meal was incredible. Thank you all!!! Clayoquot Wilderness Resorts brings us back to a time and place where fun and adventure replace all stress and worry. This is a very healthy place. The entire staff are dedicated to the experience. We are leaving this place feeling years younger, We have made good friends, and we look forward to returning soon. May all those that are blessed to experience this wonderful place, take with them the beauty and the wonder that make the Outpost unlike anything else in the world! We are truly alive. Thank you for your caring and friendship.

Bob and Beatrice Schaeberle