Newsletter Archive - Clayoquot Wilderness Resorts

Newsletter Archive

From Volume 1
Whale Whisperer Of the hundreds of thousands of words I have written over these past three years as a writer for Clayoquot Wilderness Resorts, too few have been about general manager "Cowboy" John Caton. [more]

From Volume 2
Modern Natural Wonder
It seems only fitting that the second installment in our Cast of Characters series on remarkable resort personalities, should be about our world-renowned Executive Chef, Timothy May. [more]

From Volume 4
Dickson Coatsworth & Ron Gibson
With each volume of the Sounder, we shed light on the private side of a chosen staffer. In this issue, we introduce two personalities. The men at the helm of two favourite pastimes - the undertaking of adventure, and the consumption of wine. [more]

From Volume 5
A Closer Look at a Favourite Staffer
It is remarkable how certain words resonate with us throughout our lives; words that, through some landmark incident, shed conventional definition and re-dress in special meaning. It is the sum of such uniquely personal word-cues and memory-triggers that define us; they illustrate our biographies and weave the very fabric of our lives. [more]

From Volume 6
Paul Mitchell
As we ceremoniously poured over the dog-eared guestbook at the end of the season, a few things were immediately apparent. First, resort guests really know how to enjoy themselves, and two, they really love Paul Mitchell (no relation to the shampoo guy). [more]