Wildlife Viewing - Clayoquot Wilderness Resorts

Wildlife Viewing

The Outpost is located in one of the most densely wildlife-populated natural environments in the world, where species of plants and animals unique to the Clayoquot Sound Biosphere, present Outpost guests and visiting researchers an opportunity to observe the web of life - in balance.
Exotic Technicolour Web of Life

The best way to understand the scope of wildlife viewing opportunities available at the Outpost is to visit all of the Wilderness Activities pages - both guided and unguided.

The Outpost is located in one of the most densely wildlife-populated natural environments in the world, where species of plants and animals unique to the Clayoquot Sound Biosphere, present Outpost guests and visiting researchers an opportunity to observe the web of life - in balance.

Guests need not venture far to experience the Biosphere's virtual zoo. The resorts' $3 million, five-year Environmental Legacy Program operates year-round, and during Outpost season, everyone chips in to help.

For more information on the Environmental Legacy Program and its five Stewardships, visit the Conservancy pages.

The resorts' $3 million, five-year Environmental Legacy Program operates year-round, and during Outpost season, everyone chips in to help.
Raptor Rehab Stewardship