Paddle - Clayoquot Wilderness Resorts


Explore Bedwell waterways by single or double kayak or canoe, but don't be surprised if a curious seal or otter plays along. The intertidal environment of the estuary setting changes by the moment, attracting all manner of wild things, marine creatures and discovery.

At high tide, a large backwater north of the Outpost fills with a brackish fresh and salt water mix that supports a unique marsh-like eco-system.

This mini marine park, complete with reverse-rapids and riverlets is one of the best areas to view blue herons, birds of prey and black bear feeding in the technicolour shallows.

Unique Marine Eco-Systems
River Kayaking

And there is always the river, with its gentle push of clear glacier water - to explore in part or great detail. River kayaks pull easily up on sandbars when it is time for lunch or a snack.