Hiking - Clayoquot Wilderness Resorts


Hikers of all ages and inclinations find paradise in the miles of trails in and around the Outpost.

Paths of cedar boardwalk, trails through ancient forest cathedrals and lush fern gardens, lead to a horse-drawn wagon path and onto acres of river valley meadow complete with pond and newly-enhanced salmon spawning channels.

Follow the channels back into the forest and out again to Bedwell River, then hike or kayak back down-river to the Outpost.

Re-trace history on a hike up along the Bedwell River bed - the same path that early explorers took en-route to discovering gold. Still, guests can pan for gold ore in the river's sandy shallows.

Follow the channels back into the forest and out again to Bedwell River, then hike or kayak back down-river to the Outpost.
Bedwell River Valley, Vancouver Island