Whale Acoustics - Clayoquot Wilderness Resorts

Whale Acoustics

Working together with renowned research scientists like Dr. Lance Barrett-Leonard of the Vancouver Aquarium Marine Science Centre, the resorts have embarked upon a program to monitor and assess the impacts of commercial and leisure marine traffic on whale feeding and migration.

By installing and monitoring underwater hydrophones, and recording both the underwater vocalization of whales, and boat traffic noise, scientists hope to better understand whale behaviour.

Clayoquot and surrounding marine environments are extremely rich and biologically productive areas where vast salmon populations attract killer whales, humpback whales, porpoises, stellar sea lions, harbour seals, California seals and a wide variety of sea birds.

Clayoquot and surrounding marine environments are extremely rich and biologically productive areas where vast salmon populations attract killer whales, humpback whales, porpoises, stellar sea lions, harbour seals, California seals and a vast variety of sea birds.

In May of 2004, resort guests from Europe, the Allianz Insurance Group, underwrote and helped install two underwater hydrophones. Since installation, data from both units has been continuously transmitting to the Telegraph Cove Whale Centre for monitoring and study.

On a smaller scale, resort whale watching guides carry portable hydrophones, affording guests real-time interaction with the gentle giants below the surface.

As new information about marine traffic impacts on whales becomes available, it will be posted on this website and published in The Sounder newsletter.

For a chronology of the development of the resorts'
Environmental Legacy Program visit the
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