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About the Resorts Group - Clayoquot Wilderness Resorts, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada

Whale Whisperer
Of the hundreds of thousands of words I have written over these past three years as a writer for Clayoquot Wilderness Resorts, too few have been about general manager "Cowboy" John Caton. [more]


Modern Natural Wonder
It seems only fitting that the second installment in our Cast of Characters series on remarkable resort personalities, should be about our world-renowned Executive Chef, Timothy May. [more]


Dickson Coatsworth & Ron Gibson
With each volume of the Sounder, we shed light on the private side of a chosen staffer. In this issue, we introduce two personalities. The men at the helm of two favourite pastimes - the undertaking of adventure, and the consumption of wine. [more]


A Closer Look at a Favourite Staffer
It is remarkable how certain words resonate with us throughout our lives; words that, through some landmark incident, shed conventional definition and re-dress in special meaning. It is the sum of such uniquely personal word-cues and memory-triggers that define us; they illustrate our biographies and weave the very fabric of our lives. [more]

The Sounder Newsletter - Clayoquot Wilderness Resorts

Paul Mitchell
As we ceremoniously poured over the dog-eared guestbook at the end of the season, a few things were immediately apparent. First, resort guests really know how to enjoy themselves, and two, they really love Paul Mitchell (no relation to the shampoo guy). In the book, Paul has almost as many mentions as do the general managers and the owner. [more]


Full PDF Library

Volume 1  Spring 2001
Volume 2  Spring 2002
Volume 3  Spring 2003
Volume 4  Winter 2003
Volume 5  Winter 2004
Volume 6  Winter 2005/2006


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