Top 50 Ranches Pinterest Competition

Top 50 Ranches is celebrating Valentine’s Day with their first ever contest on Pinterest! Create a board showing what your dream Top50 Ranch vacation looks like for a chance to win $1000 toward your Top50 Ranch Vacation.

Don’t forget to include images of all aspects of your dream Top50 Ranch vacation: food, lodging, activities, and of course, the beautiful scenery!

Your chance to Win:

1. Follow us on Pinterest ( and create a board named “My Dream Top50 Ranch Vacation”

2. Include the following pins on your board:

*Include at least five (5) images from

*Include at least four (4) images from any of the Top50 Ranches personal websites. For a full list of qualifying ranches click here: all Top50 Ranch Vacations.

3. Once your board is created, share your link on the Top50 Ranches Facebook page.

4. Encourage your family, friends and Top50 Facebook fans to interact with your board - encourage them to ‘Like’ and ‘Repin’!

The Winner: The most attractive board AND the board with the most likes and repins wins! If a tie occurs, a random winner will be drawn.

Deadline: Submit your board by February 12, 2013 The winner will be chosen on February 14!

What you will win: $1000 toward the ranch of your Dreams!

*$1000 applied to the Top50 Ranch Vacation of your Dreams(applied to 2013 travel to any of the Top50 Ranches)!

*Welcome package upon arrival at your specified Top50 Ranch!

Please Note:

*The $1000 will be sent direct to the chosen ranch by Top50 to be applied to your Chosen 2013 Top50 Ranch Vacation.

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