The Wildside

For those of you that have been to the west coast before will understand this term.  For those that haven’t, let me explain a little.

Growing up in Ontario we had the Muskoka area filled with lakes and beautiful trees.  I grew up skiing at Blue Mountain and the Beaches in downtown Toronto were my safe haven.

After moving to British Columbia 6 years ago, I quickly realised that although Muskoka will always be beautiful and will always have a place in my heart, Vancouver Island has some of the same scenery if not more. Blue Mountain has turned into a mole hill compared to the beauties we have out here and well, the Beaches…besides being a great place to live in Toronto and a beautiful community; nothing could ever beat Long Beach or Chesterman Beach here in Tofino.

‘Wildside’ is a meaning that can truly be used only for the west coast of Canada and even more so, the west coast of Vancouver Island.  It is here where you get the dramatic landscapes, the driftwood rolling up on beaches, sand stretching for miles with waves hitting the shores.  Surfers taking the plunge in world class surf. Jagged snow-capped mountain peaks, adventure trails in your own back yard and whales as your neighbours.

Just one of your amazing vistas that you will see on the private beaches at Flores Island.

The term ‘Wildside’ doesn’t just explain the amazing adventures that you will encounter here on Vancouver Island, it also defines a trailthat has been used by the Ahousaht people for thousands of years here in Clayoquot Sound. This 11km trail is an escape into the remote wilderness through a trail that will take you deep into the rainforest and out onto beaches alongside the Pacific Ocean and is one of our amazing activities.


Your lap of luxury in the wild!

When you join us at Clayoquot Wilderness Resort this wild landscape is all around you.  When you wake up in one of our tents with nature calling just outside (the birds, not the other nature calling) you know that you are in a true camping if not “glamping” experience.

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