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There would not have been a better place than Clayoquot to celebrate.
There would not have been a better place than Clayoquot to celebrate Glenn�s 50th birthday. We friends gathered from afar to share in this most joyous occasion and were cosseted in the rugged luxury of this special place. Each and every member of the staff were gracious, hospitable and receptive to meeting every need. To all of those involved with making this our weekend �one for the history books�, I thank you very much for allowing me the privilege of experiencing this special place with you.

Nat Queen, New York & London

The staff have made this the best vacation I have ever had.
I picked up a pen five minutes ago and find myself at a loss for words. Words alone cannot describe the experience here at the Outpost. The staff have made this the best vacation I have ever had. So knowledgeable, so warm and friendly and happy to help make your stay totally perfect. Oh � and the food ��.spectacular!

Beware of Paul�s �Paultinis� though!! I don�t know if it is a promise or a threat, but I will be back for a visit soon. It is so hard to leave this experience I will never forget. Thanks everyone.

Genevieve Kozma

This has certainly been an experience of a lifetime!
We just wanted to say thank you for the wonderful honeymoon. We�ve had the opportunity to do and see so many wonderful things. Thank you to the guides, John, Jer, Flint, Kimano, Todd and Dickson. Thank you also to the kitchen staff � Tim, Ryan, Adriel, Paul, Yarrow, and Judy for the amazing, amazing food. This has certainly been an experience of a lifetime! With best wishes to you all.

Christina and Matt White, England

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