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Thank you all for an unforgettable experience!
Glenn and I have decided to go home and learn some useful skills so that we can come back and live/work here. Failing that, we�d like to be reincarnated as one (two) of the guide dogs.

He brought me here as a surprise. In truth, there was no way to adequately describe this place, this experience, these wonderful people, the wildlife. Thank you all for an unforgettable experience.

Talerico, Pittsburgh PA

Thanks for another wonderful year here at the Outpost! It is truly the most amazing place I have ever been.

Mandy and Jim Black, Florida

All of use had the greatest time.
None of wish to leave this place of firsts --- first riding, first family kayaking, first killer whales, first fishing, first tears of leaving a holiday. All of use had the greatest time. Thanks to every one of you � you are a fantastic team and have made out stay so so good. We will miss you and hope to see you again.

Sarah Fane

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