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The best vacation we have ever had!

Kayaking The River

The Catch Of Day
We just returned from a one week stay at Clayoquot and it was the most amazing vacation we have ever had! We stayed in a suite tent with our 12 year old son and cannot begin to describe how much fun we had and how incredible the staff was. The magical adventures began from the moment we were greeted at the float plane by the managers, Adele and John and other staff members in a draft horse drawn wagon. The food, chefs and service staff in the dining lodge were the best you will find in the world and they went out of there way to make sure everything was done to perfection. We caught 17 salmon and halibut, rode beautifully trained horses to a gold mine, saw whales, otters, dolphin, eagles, and black bears, went kayaking, mountain biking, hiked to a waterfall, and went swimming in a bay where the fresh water and salt water met. Our son loved jumping off of a couple of bridges on the property which was a big hit with the kids and adults as well! Make sure to stay at least week though because you cannot possibly absorb all that the resort has to offer. The staff and guests at Clayquot became our life-long friends and we cannot wait to go back!

Melinda Wainwright

My wife and I stayed at the outpost for our one year and I was blown away with the luxury wilderness combination. There is nothing like this in the world. Thank you so much!

Kyle McClay

Back To Basics

Little ones all in a row
Thanks so much for providing a fun and educational environment for our children. When you live in a big city, it is so easy to loose sight of what really makes the world go 'round. But watching enormous whales feed, seeing a newborn foal stand for the first time, and fishing for an eagles' dinner put the web of life in perspective for my children. Thanks again

Walter, Vancouver

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