Here 2 video clips that show our amazing team of horses we have here at Clayoquot Wilderness Resort.

The first one, “Horses Running Wild” is our 30 horses being set free into the field after being in our barn for a little while.

Their energy and love for being outdoors brings such a smile to our faces!

This one is the horses after they’ve been out for a little while. Look at them run!

These amazing creatures are here for your enjoyment while with us at Clayoquot Wilderness Resort here on Vancouver Island in beautiful British Columbia Canada!

Call or email us for more details!


One of the greatest things about living out at Clayoquot Wilderness Resort in the off season is being able to look after our 30+ horses. The beautiful team that we have has been with us for a while and some of you may be familiar with a few of them yourselves!

From our different activities that we offer here at the resort, you as a guest, have the ability to take these amazing creatures out for a ride or maybe even a horse 101. Yup, that’s right! We are taking you back to school, horse school that is! In a 101, you will learn basic grooming techniques and are able to get closer to our amazing team of horses!

So, whether it’s taking them for a ride or just watching them in the field doing their horse thing, there really is nothing quite like the vision of the horses letting loose!



Our latest and greatest video is now here!

Have you ever wondered what you might see during your stay here? Lions and tigers and bears?? No way! Eagles and whales and bears?? Absolutely!


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